
Trials of mana hawkeye
Trials of mana hawkeye

trials of mana hawkeye

If you don't want to CS because that gets boring, the Gumpkin is still the king of DPS and will smash everything faster than Kevin or Duran comboing everything to death. Kevin and Duran can kill everything with their lvl 2 CS too but the animation is way longer. There is simply no contest that Hawkeye is the best for the stockade run. It is a fast animation and it wipes everything. There is no faster way to clear regular fights in the stockade than Cactus Soul and Swallow Throw. No other party I've made can beat those times in aggregate though I haven't tried everything I will admit. Mispolm level 49: 2:12 Wind Saber (worst matchup for this party although his blast axes can two shot the annoying stalks.)įiegmund level 50: 2:14 Rocket Launcher (Fiegmund jumps off the screen a lot so there is some variability to this fight)Īll times are on New Game. (times include menu instructions to apply Dark Curse and use a scale on Angela) I timed all the Benevodon fights with the Hawkeye/Charlotte/Angela party controlling Hawkeye in all fights. Against bosses like Zable Fahr or Mispolm who resist wood damage, he can switch to melee with elemental saber items and drake scales and do just fine.

trials of mana hawkeye

Dolan is weak to wood so Grumpkins work great against him as well as Xan Bie, Dangaard and Land Umber. With Judge and Dark Curse he also smashes bosses with Grumpkins, Hurlbats (Crushes Lightgazer and the crab faster than any character) and Rocket Launchers (devastating to Fiegmund and Malochio).

trials of mana hawkeye

Nobody clears the regular fights faster than he can because often you start the fight, the enemies all rush you and a Grumpkin kills 2 or 3 as they bunch together and it knocks back the survivors. You can buy Bumpkins to recharge his MP if he does get low and not lose steam. Ordinarily he would run out of MP doing this but if paired with Archmage Angela for Move MP Save 2, Reclaim and Judge, and Necro Charlotte for Dark Curse, Quick Shot 1 and 2 and Alleviate, he doesn't usually run out of MP and Grumpkins end regular fights faster than even Lucent beam+ spam.

trials of mana hawkeye

However, Hawkeye as a Rogue can one shot most enemies with Grumpkin because it uses his Luck stat. Angela comes into her own either spamming Lucent Beam+ or dropping Ancient Curses on bosses. Hawkeye can no longer keep up with Kevin or Duran in melee at all. He can keep MP charged up by borrowing Reclaim from Angela. Also his Spike Trap is good for finishing distant enemies and knocking down flyers even though it only hits for about 100-120. Hawkeye is probably at his most average in this part of the game, but he still gets you Lucky Find 2 very early on, which is absolutely huge. Angela still finds herself out of MP and bonking things with her stick so she's still pretty terrible. They do have better level 2 class strikes than Hawkeye at this stage, however. Kevin and Duran start to pull ahead in melee damage by a bit in this phase of the game but the difference amounts to a few seconds in most boss fights so it's less pronounced than it is in the late game. I don't know if anyone is but it isn't Hawkeye. I think he edges everyone out just a little. He also gets Lucky Find 1 for another minor advantage over the others. However, Hawkeye's Toxic and Sturdy abilities, as well as his higher Luck stat (he definitely crits more early on) likely give him a miniscule edge in damage in the early phase. Hawkeye, Riesz, Duran and Kevin all have roughly the same attack power at this stage as well so melee damage is a push. Hawkeye, on the other hand, can be built to out damage her in all but a couple situations and is useful throughout the game.Īngela is terrible in the early going due to lack of available spells and limited MP regeneration. For the majority of the game up to class 3 she is more of a liability. It's generally accepted that Angela is the best due to her busted magic damage, however that does not happen until the very late game when she starts getting the right spells and chain abilities.

Trials of mana hawkeye